Nord Stream 2 Statement

UCCA Praises Bipartisan Sanctions
 Targeting Russia’s Nord Stream 2

The Protect European Energy Security Act, bipartisan legislation introduced by U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) in May of this year, was approved earlier today by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. By a vote of 20-2, the committee voted to impose targeted sanctions against vessels that would be used to construct deep sea pipelines for Russian energy export projects including Nord Stream 2. The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), the largest representation of Americans of Ukrainian descent, has long been critical of the pipeline project it considers a “Trojan Horse” designed to keep the European Union beholden to Moscow.
Last month, the House Foreign Affairs Committee approved the Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Act (H.R. 3206) by voice vote, introduced in the House by Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) and Rep. Denny Heck (D-WA). “For years, Russia has tried to use energy dependence as a means to put undue political influence on our European allies,” explained Rep. Kinzinger. “Through intimidation and coercion, Vladimir Putin has weaponized natural gas across the region.”
“I am opposed to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, which poses a significant risk to European energy security,” stated Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “If completed, this pipeline… would further undermine Ukraine’s economic security and potentially increase its vulnerability to further Russian military incursions,” added the Senator, concluding that “it would be foolish to give Putin yet another, powerful, lever of power and think he will not use it against the west.”
“Putin's pipeline is a trap," added Wyoming Republican Senator John Barrasso.
"While the average American may have never heard of ‘Nord Stream,’ this pipeline has created something highly unusual in American politics today: consensus among Republican and Democratic lawmakers,” stated UCCA President Andriy Futey. “The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America looks forward to the Protect European Energy Security Act being taken up by entire Senate and House of Representatives in the weeks and months to come.”
Only Senators Rand Paul (R-KY) and Tom Udall (D-NM) opposed the measure voted on by the Senate committee. In November 2018, the House of Representatives passed a resolution urging the cancellation of Nord Stream 2.

Our Statement (PDF)
Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations, Ambassador Kurt Volker, held a press conference in Kyiv on July 27, 2019. The full text version of his remarks and Q&A can be found here:

Question from Journalist: You mentioned that there are some kind of negotiations about the future visit of Zelenskyy to the White House. Many say, what are the conditions for Ukrainian to fulfill or to do, so that such a visit will take place before the first of September. Because we know that they may meet for 5-10 minutes in Warsaw, or vice versa, there is some question that maybe President Trump will have some short visit before the first of September. Is this possible , what can or should be done?

Special Representative Volker: Thank you. First off, there are no conditions. The invitation stands. President Trump reiterated that invitation to President Zelenskyy on Thursday. And we look forward to welcoming President Zelenskyy in the United States. Now of course we want to develop an agenda so that this meeting is as productive as possible. And Ambassador Taylor and others of us have been in close contact with President Zelenskyy’s team to develop that kind of agenda. And then the other issue is synchronizing the two presidents’ schedules. We don’t know today exactly what date’s going to work for both of them, but Ambassador Taylor’s working on that, and I’m sure we’ll have news soon.
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The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) is a non-profit, non-partisan community-based organization that has represented the interests of Ukrainians in the United States since 1940. 
Український Конґресовий Комітет Америки (УККА) є неприбутковою, безпартійною громадською організацією, яка представляє інтереси українців у Сполучених Штатах Америки з 1940 року. 
Copyright © 2018 UCCA, Inc., All rights reserved.

Media Contact: Andrij Dobriansky

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+1 (212) 228-6840

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