NSC Rojansky Letter


On Saturday April 10, the website Axios.com, citing an anonymous source, reported that Matthew Rojansky, head of the Wilson Center's Kennan Institute, was being considered for appointment as the new Russia director on the White House National Security Council (NSC),

Following confirmation by others on Sunday that this potential appointment had been debated by the NSC “for at least several weeks," the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, (UCCA) sent a letter dated April 12 to President Biden (cc'ed to Secretary of State Blinken).

The letter, signed by UCCA President Andriy Futey and Vice President Michael Sawkiw, requests on behalf of Ukrainian Americans, that the President “reject Mr. Rojansky’s appointment.” Citing "recent Russian aggressive actions towards Ukraine," the letter raises the prospect of the United States sending the wrong message "not only to our strategic partner Ukraine but also to reformers in Russia and the entire world" in appointing someone with Mr. Rojansky’s history of incendiary comments over the years just one step below the current acting senior director of the NSC.  

UCCA's letter reiterates that the Ukrainian American community looks forward to a productive and dynamic dialogue with the White House and members of the Administration, and respectfully requests an opportunity to meet (virtually) to address these and other matters of immediate concern. 

Read UCCA's Letter
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The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) is a non-profit, non-partisan community-based organization that has represented the interests of Ukrainians in the United States since 1940. 
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