

Since 1977, UCCA has maintained a permanent Washington, D.C.-based bureau, the Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS), to assist Ukrainian Americans from across the country in meeting with their elected representatives. In addition to maintaining our relationships with the bipartisan Congressional Ukrainian Caucus in the House of Representatives and the bipartisan Senate Ukraine Caucus, the UNIS office sends out regular ACTION ALERTS to our membership, informing our grassroots activists of the latest initiatives affecting our community.

On behalf of the Ukrainian American community, UCCA’s UNIS office submitted a position paper entitled, “United States Relations with Ukraine” to both the Democratic and Republican National Committees in advance of their respective political conventions in 2020.

"Ukrainian Week" Advocacy on a Local Level

Summer will soon be upon us when Congress traditionally goes on recess. The second #SupportUkraine “Ukrainian Week” advocacy event in 2024 will be held the week of 15-24 June in local congressional districts and states throughout the country. During this time, Senators and Representatives are back in their home states and districts. This provides a perfect opportunity to interact with your elected officials in a local setting.

August 2023 - February 2024 - and Coming Soon!

Engage your representatives in-person after marking one full year of full-fledged aggression against Ukraine

As is traditional, the “Ukrainian Days” advocacy program will include presentations of the “Friend of UNIS” award to Members of Congress and others who have shown overwhelming support for Ukraine and the enhancement of U.S.-Ukraine relations.
Plans also call for a roundtable discussion on the Ukraine war effort to review the community’s humanitarian assistance programs, as well as to discuss measures of additional support for Ukraine.  Details will be forthcoming.
russiaDeepStrikes Aug2024d
HARM Act Feb 2023

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