On 23 January 2024, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America hosted a virtual meeting of UCCA’s National Council, UCCA’s highest ruling body. In accordance with UCCA’s Bylaws, the National Council ratified a proposal from the Presidium of UCCA’s Executive Committee to schedule the XXIII Congress of Ukrainians in America on 11-13 October 2024. At this convention, delegates from across the United States will meet on the outskirts of Philadelphia, PA, to elect a new UCCA National Executive and plan a course of action for the next four years. Delegates will also hear reports from the outgoing National Executive and Committee Chairs and discuss the work that has been accomplished since the last convention. Of special significance will be the planned workshops and roundtable discussions for both delegates and guests, which will allow for open discussion on key political, strategic and social concerns that are important to the Ukrainian American community as well as its relations with Ukraine.