

Across the United States, many local Ukrainian American communities will return to publicly celebrate Ukraine’s Independence this August. If you or  your local community receive any official proclamations or stage any independence events, please share them with UCCA’s National Office so that we may gather them together with our archives of proclamations and greetings dating back to our founding in 1940. We will further pass along any images and videos to Ukraine through the Embassy in Washington as well as through the Ukrainian World Congress.

Find your local event


AUGUST 1: Ukraine’s Independence Day Picnic & Festival (Sunnyvale, CALIFORNIA) https://www.facebook.com/events/955840611931809

AUGUST 6-8: Pokrova Ukrainian Festival (Cleveland, OHIOhttp://pokrova-church.com/2021/07/ukrainian-festival-2021/

AUGUST 7: St. Volodymyr Picnic and Dance (Glen Spey, NEW YORK) https://stvolodymyrukrainiancatholicchurch.com/index.html

AUGUST 14-15: St. Josaphat’s Ukrainian Festival Drive Thru Event (Rochester, NEW YORKhttp://www.rochesterukrainianfestival.com/

AUGUST 15: Nova Ukraine Summer Picnic (San Francisco, CALIFORNIA) https://www.facebook.com/events/300765551682090/

AUGUST 19: UWC 30 Under 30 Announcement (ONLINE) https://www.facebook.com/events/519724619081856/

AUGUST 20: Ukrainian Independence Day Fundraising Concert (Chicago, ILLINOIS) https://fb.me/e/J07okn5q

AUGUST 21: Ukrainian Independence Day Fundraising Concert (Brooklyn, NEW YORK) https://fb.me/e/1EgSHAZys

AUGUST 21: Glen Spey Celebrates the 30th Anniversary of Ukrainian Independence (Glen Spey, NEW YORK) https://www.facebook.com/events/280007540492285/

AUGUST 21: Celebration of Ukraine’s Independence (Raleigh, NORTH CAROLINA) http://ncua.inform-decisions.com/

AUGUST 21: Ukrainian Independence Day Celebration (Apopka, FLORIDA) https://fb.me/e/5HyT7L22R

AUGUST 21: 30th Independence Day of Ukraine Outdoor Picnic (Miami, FLORIDA)  https://fb.me/e/1emj0E7nU

AUGUST 21: Austin TX Ukrainians Independence Day Celebration (Pflugerville, TEXAS) https://fb.me/e/1w3ZNGx3Y

AUGUST 21: Ukrainian Village Parade (Parma, OHIO) https://ukrainianvillageparma.org

AUGUST 21-22: St. Josaphat’s Ukrainian Festival (Parma, OHIO) https://stjosaphatcathedral.com/

AUGUST 21-22: Ukrainian Independence Festival at the Ukrainian Homestead (Lehighton, PENNSYLVANIAhttp://www.ukrhomestead.com/tip-Festivals-35.htm

AUGUST 22-29: Wildwood Ukrainian Week (Wildwood, NEW JERSEY)

AUGUST 22: Ukrainian Independence Day Flash Mob in Times Square (New York, NEW YORK) https://www.facebook.com/events/146446504268831/

AUGUST 22: Vyshyvanka Run 2021 (New York, NEW YORK) https://www.facebook.com/events/200087608594972/

AUGUST 22: Ukraine’s 30th Anniversary of Independence Picnic (Staten Island, NEW YORK) https://fb.me/e/2mzlsE0Ga

AUGUST 22: Ukrainian Independence Day Fundraising Concert (Yonkers, NY) https://fb.me/e/3P6jk9x1w

AUGUST 22: Union Township Ukrainian Independence Day Flag Raising (Union, NEW JERSEY) https://fb.me/e/1DoeMTO9y

AUGUST 22: Ukrainian Independence Festival (Trenton, NEW JERSEYhttps://www.facebook.com/events/130092429189423

AUGUST 22: Ukrainian Independence Day Fundraising Concert (Jenkintown, PENNSYLVANIA) https://fb.me/e/15bJXR7Gx

AUGUST 22: Independence Day of Ukraine Celebration (The Colony, TEXAS) https://mailchi.mp/7f250cbd7f9c/uast-ukrainian-independence-day-celebration-8123917

AUGUST 22: San Antonio Ukrainians Celebrate Ukraine’s Independence (San Antonio, TEXAShttps://www.facebook.com/events/520156435705881/

AUGUST 22: Los Angeles Ukrainian Independence Day Celebration (Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA) https://www.facebook.com/events/498734131452091

AUGUST 22: Independence Day of Ukraine Concert (San Francisco, CALIFORNIA) https://www.facebook.com/events/282538500228681/

AUGUST 23: Ukrainian Independence Day Flag Raising Ceremony at Hempstead Town Hall (Hempstead, NEW YORK)

AUGUST 23: Ukrainian-American Night at Eisenhower Park (East Meadow, NEW YORK) https://uali.info/calendar/ukrainian-night-2021/

AUGUST 24: Boston Ukrainian Independence Day Flag Raising Ceremony (Boston, MASSACHUSETTS) https://www.facebook.com/events/202865825191832

AUGUST 24: Ukrainian Flag Raising at City Hall (Yonkers, NEW YORK)

AUGUST 24: Independence Day Flag Raising Ceremony at Syracuse City Hall (Syracuse, NEW YORK)

AUGUST 24: Independence Day Flag Raising Ceremony at Binghamton City Hall (Binghamton, NEW YORK)

AUGUST 24: Ukrainian Flag Raising at Jersey City Hall (Jersey City, NEW JERSEY) https://fb.me/e/1drDIuaNs

AUGUST 24: Ukrainian Flag Raising at Clifton City Hall (Clifton, NEW JERSEY) https://fb.me/e/1NFJIlwsK

AUGUST 24: Independence Day Flag Raising Ceremony at City Hall (Philadelphia, PENNSYLVANIAhttps://www.facebook.com/events/235261361444268/

AUGUST 24: Ukrainian Independence Day Cocktail Party (New York, NEW YORK) https://www.facebook.com/events/502492021036011/

AUGUST 24: Ukrainian Independence Day Celebration (Watervliet, NEW YORK) https://www.facebook.com/events/822706025307918/

AUGUST 24: Ukrainian Independence Concert (Jenkintown, PENNSYLVANIA) https://www.ueccphila.org/events/ukrainian-independence-day-2

AUGUST 27: Flag Raising at Belleville City Hall (Belleville, NEW JERSEY) https://www.facebook.com/groups/ukrnj/posts/4452735774789098/

AUGUST 27: Wildwood Ukrainian Week Zabava (Wildwood, NEW JERSEY) https://www.facebook.com/Xmeli/posts/2709405885872440

AUGUST 27: Ukrainian Independence Day Fundraising Concert (Warren, MICHIGAN) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/detroit-mi-oksana-mukha-and-oleksandr-bozhyk-charitable-concert-tickets-165160855565

AUGUST 27: Ukrainian Flag Raising At Daley Plaza (Chicago, ILLINOIS) https://www.facebook.com/events/1988802711300314/

AUGUST 28: Ukrainian Independence Day Fundraising Concert (Buffalo, NEW YORK) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/buffalo-ny-oksana-mukha-charitable-concert-by-revived-soldiers-ukraine-tickets-166362178755

AUGUST 28: Banquet in honor of the 30th anniversary of independence at St. Andrew’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Bloomingdale, ILLINOIS) https://www.facebook.com/UCCAILLINOIS/posts/5732965510107356

AUGUST 28: 30th Anniversary of Ukraine Independence (Littleton, COLORADO) https://www.facebook.com/events/301595638341627

AUGUST 28: UCCA Phoenix & UNWLA Branch #3 Celebrate 30 Years of Ukraine’s Independence (Phoenix, ARIZONA) https://fb.me/e/1wtXqpn9v

AUGUST 29: Celebration of Ukraine’s 30th Anniversary of Independence (Hartford, CONNECTICUT) http://www.smucc.org/uploads/7/8/1/2/78121886/21-8-8.1.pdf

AUGUST 29: Ukrainian Festival at Castle Hill Farm (Newtown, CONNECTICUT) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1421597781422052/posts/2909968655918283/

AUGUST 29: Liturgy on the 30th Anniversary of Ukraine and community reception at St. George Church (New York, NEW YORK) https://ucca.org/ukraine-30_poster-2/

AUGUST 29: 30th Anniversary of the Restoration of Independence of Ukraine at Saint Michael’s Ukrainian Cultural Center (Uniondale, NEW YORKhttps://uali.info/calendar/ukraine-independence-2021/

AUGUST 29: Ukrainian American Day Festival (Buffalo, NEW YORK) https://fb.me/e/EbZ5FOJn 

AUGUST 29: Flag Raising Ceremony at Union Township Hall (Union, NEW JERSEY) https://fb.me/e/1DoeMTO9y

AUGUST 29: Ukrainian Independence Day Fundraising Concert (Passaic, NEW JERSEY) https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10109122066702035&id=3431043

AUGUST 29: Ukrainian Independence Day Picnic (South Bound Brook, NEW JERSEYhttps://www.facebook.com/events/1170813053430858/

AUGUST 29: Celebrating 30 Years of Ukraine’s Independence (Atlanta, GEORGIA)  https://www.facebook.com/events/801187477163107

AUGUST 29: Ukrainian Independence Parade (Chicago, ILLINOIS) https://www.facebook.com/events/192796142788388/

SEPTEMBER 4-5:  Ukrainian Festival at St. Andrew’s (Parma, OHIOhttp://www.standrewucc.org/html/events.html

SEPTEMBER 4: Vatra at the Beach (San Diego, CALIFORNIA) https://fb.me/e/1LToHzPkd

SEPTEMBER 5: St. Volodymyr Labor Day Celebration (Glen Spey, NEW YORK) https://stvolodymyrukrainiancatholicchurch.com/index.html

SEPTEMBER 5: Balboa Park Ukrainian Festival (San Diego, CALIFORNIA) http://houseofukraine.org  

SEPTEMBER 12: Connecticut State Ukrainian Day Festival (Stamford, CONNECTICUT) https://www.facebook.com/CT.Ukrainian.Festival/posts/2051871451618964

SEPTEMBER 17-19: Washington, D.C. Ukrainian Festival (Silver Springs, MARYLANDhttps://www.ukrainefestdc.com/

SEPTEMBER 18: Ukrainian Historical Encounters Series Special Event: Ukraine at 30 (New York, NEW YORK) https://fb.me/e/1cDzobooc

SEPTEMBER 18: Sacred Heart Ukrainian Food Takeout Sale (Johnson City, NEW YORKhttps://www.sacredheartucc.org/events

SEPTEMBER 19: Twin Cities Ukrainian Heritage Festival (Minneapolis, MINNESOTA) https://fb.me/e/H7QVRCQj

SEPTEMBER 25: Nativity of BVM Ukrainian Catholic Church Picnic (Mohnton, PENNSYLVANIA) https://www.facebook.com/events/228783762266731

SEPTEMBER 25: Ukrainian Fair “Together for Better” (Elverta, CALIFORNIA)  https://www.uahouse.org/events

OCTOBER 17: 30th Annual Ukrainian Folk Festival (Horsham, PENNSYLVANIAhttps://tryzub.org/festival-2021

OCTOBER ??: St. Volodymyr’s UkraineFest (Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA) http://st-volodymyr.com/Festival/Ukrainian-Festival-Los-Angeles
